Bangaj Network

Bangaj defines network and partnership as a relationship with clearly defined goal and mutually beneficial collaboration between the Bangaj and its network members for the improvement of disadvantages communities. It acknowledges the contribution of partners or network members for supporting or promoting activities, services and programmes to the targeted communities.

Bangaj is determined in working with a range of partners at different levels- community to national and international agencies for the sustainable benefits of disadvantages community.

The organization is committed to enter into partnership and networking with like-minded organizations/institutions at different levels for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, service delivery, conducting research, capacity building of partners, advocacy, plus plus …..gaining access to relevant actors and institutions.

Type of Network Members and Partners

The partnership and networking with the wider range of institutions have created opportunity to work with multiple partners. The partnership list of Bangaj:

  • Civil Society: Local NGOs, its alliances and networks; Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Professional bodies, Media people, Religious organization, Cooperatives; MFI, different research and academic and training institutions
  • Government organization: Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Health, Education, Research, Cooperatives, BRDB, etc at local and national levels
  • Local Government Institutions (LGIs): Elected representatives at local and national level.
  • Donor agency/ international organizations
  • Private sectors/ business
  • Education Institutions – university, training institute etc.

Modality of Partnership

  • Project based – Partnership with a specific project with mutually agreed aims, objectives and activities. This may be short term or medium term depending upon the activities
  • Strategic partnership- This is about working together over a period of time towards achieving ever lasting impact on the targeted community
  • Thematic partnership- This is about alliances with single or group of organization working together towards specific thematic area- gender, poverty, etc . This could be short to long term
  • Collaborative partnership- These partnerships are events based
  • Partnership at community level – These partners are mainly local groups, clubs, CBOs lives in the locality and have strong commitment towards local people.

Scope of Partnership

  • Bangaj and POS both provides a framework for a continuing cooperation aimed at harnessing more projects. Therefore, their obligation to each other is undeniable and within Bangaj and POs , the implementation of this MOU is expected to take the form of the following:
  • In order to maintain and strengthen inter organizational liaison, regular contact will be maintained between the two organizations to address matters of common interest that include, but are not limited to, Technical Cooperation and Capacity Building.
  • Creating an ongoing Monitoring Group consisting of number of representatives of Bangaj and POs, who will have the authority to oversee the overall progress, assessing the effectiveness of MOU and recommending for further improvements.
  • Identifying donors/ funds and agreed upon the action that needed to capture the opportunity and develop Technical Proposal. While developing the technical proposal for POs, they may need to bear cost of Services for taking technical expertise.
  • Liaise with each other to have better access for the identification “call for proposal”
  • Bangaj will be involved more in planning, policy and procedure development stage while POs will be involved at the implementation stage.

What Bangaj Society Offers to its Partner Organisation (POs)

  • Bangaj shall do context analysis, SWOT analysis, capacity analysis (HR, Finance, and asset, social) and donor mapping prior to developing programme design and development of Technical project/ programme proposal or concept note for donor or its own.
  • Bangaj, execute the specific and mutually agreed tasks or activities of different project/ other agreed assignment
  • As lead of Bangaj Network it will be responsible for networking with potential donors, technical organizations, academicians and other NGOs etc
  • Bangaj will carry out Baseline, Mid-term, end line evaluation and other study/research as and when necessary by the support of its affiliated research institution.
  • Bangaj shall support to POs for producing Progress reports (quarterly, half yearly and annual). POs will support in providing necessary information in this respect.
  • Bangaj shall render services for the staff capacity building of JV project through training- module development and facilitation etc.
  • National level advocacy if required will be done by the Bangaj
  • Bangaj will develop M&E Frame work, M&E tools, MIS including software set up and staff orientation/ HR support and provide regular monitoring support.
  • Bangaj will support POs for improving the financial management of PO.